Marcos Rogério Chaves da Silva is an Electrical Engineer (UMC), with an MBA in Business Management and a Specialization in Project Management, both from FGV-SP.
For four decades he has been working on LV and MV power protection systems, and has experience in developing distributed power generation projects for terrestrial and embedded applications, LV and MV protection and selectivity studies and protection against the effects of incident energy emitted by arc faults. He is currently Director of TECPRO Soluções em Energia. He actively participates in various committees of CB-03 at COBEI - Comite Brasileiro de Eletricidade. He is secretary of the NBR 14039 standard revision committee, secretary of the NBR 16384 revision committee and rapporteur of the WG responsible for the future Incident Energy Management standard. At CB-24 ABNT, he is the Coordinator of the Committee responsible for developing the future technical standard 'Fire safety in photovoltaic installations'. He is Brazil's representative on IEC committees PC128 and TC99.