Renewable Energy Jobs in Brazil – Career Opportunities and Challenges

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Thursday, June 29, 2023 I 4:00pm CET/11:00am BRT I Webinar Language: Portuguese

The renewable energy transition is creating a green job boom. It is expected to generate more than 10 million new jobs globally by 2030.

New sources of energy don’t just require new equipment and innovative technologies. They also require people to operate them. In order to properly utilize the new sources of energy, the largest expected job gains are in electrical efficiency, power generation, and the automotive sector.

In this webinar we would like to shed a light on the chances and the challenges that await potential employers as well as potential employees in the renewable energy sector in Brazil.

Our Guests

Mara Andrea Schwenger, Coordinator Rio Grande do Sul ABSOLAR

Graduated in Accounting in 2000, specialist in People Management and Strategic Management, and MBA in Marketing. In 2011 he founded Solled Energia, a company focused on Solar Energy, being a reference in the state of RS, has operations in the south of Brazil and has more than 3000 installations.

In 2017 he participated in the foundation of the G5, a group of 8 companies that operate in the area of Solar Energy, being national partners. In 2019 he founded WG Energia, an authorized distributor of WEG equipment for southern Brazil. In 2020, he took over the coordination of ABSOLAR in Rio Grande do Sul. And in 2022 Solled expanded its operations to include in its portfolio electric mobility and energy management for solar plants.

Aline Pan, Professor Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Aline holds a bachelor's degree in Physics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) (2002), a master's degree in Materials Engineering from PUCRS (2004), and a doctorate in Photovoltaic Solar Energy from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2009). He has experience in Solar Photovoltaic Energy, Renewable Energies, Physics and Materials Engineering and Technology. She coordinated/designed the Specialization Course in Renewable Energy from 2012 to 2018 at PUCRS. Currently, she is an Adjunct Professor in the Energy Management Engineering Course and the National Professional Master in Physics Teaching at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)/Campus Litoral Norte. Member/guest of the Working Group "Gender Equity" promoted by CAPES (2018). Co-founder of the Brazilian Network of Women in Solar Energy (Rede MESol). Mother of two children, Sofia and Benício, 2012 and 2014.

Ricardo de Oliveira Campos, Director of Vocational Training Unit Escola SENAI Pirituba

Ricardo de Oliveira Campos - Director of the SENAI School “Jorge Mahfuz” - São Paulo City - Brazil. Graduation in Management of Technological Innovation Projects from the University of São Paulo (USP), Electrical Engineer from the Santa Cecília University (UNISANTA) and Electronics Technician from the Lauro Gomes Technical School (ETE Lauro Gomes). He is currently the Director of the SENAI School “Jorge Mahfuz”, a technical school specialized in the vocational education and training of Renewable Energy Technicians, Electrical Technicians and Electronics Technicians.

Gilberto Takao Sakamoto, Presidente do Conselho Regional dos Técnicos Industriais do Estado de São Paulo (CRT-SP)

Técnico Industrial em Eletrotécnica, formado pela Escola Técnica Getúlio Vargas – atualmente ETEC GV – em 1977; e administrador de empresas, formado pela Universidade Braz Cubas (UBC) em 2001. Trabalhou na Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo (SABESP) de 1978 a 2019, sempre nas áreas de elétrica e instrumentação, realizando manutenção preditiva, preventiva e corretiva.

Exerceu o cargo de diretor do Sindicato dos Técnicos Industriais do Estado de São Paulo (SINTEC-SP), por quatro mandatos; presidente da Associação dos Técnicos Industriais da Região do Alto Tietê, por dois mandatos; diretor da Federação Nacional dos Técnicos Industriais (FENTEC), por dois mandatos; atuou, junto ao Congresso Nacional, por mais de cinco anos pela aprovação da Lei nº 13.639/2018, que cria o Conselho Federal e Regionais dos Técnicos Industriais.

Foi eleito primeiro presidente do Conselho Regional dos Técnicos Industriais do Estado de São Paulo (CRT-SP) em janeiro de 2019; e reeleito para o segundo mandato, em abril de 2022. Durante toda a sua trajetória profissional e classista, tem trabalhado para que os técnicos exerçam a atividade em conformidade com a legislação vigente, valorizando a profissão e zelando pela segurança da sociedade.

Your Host

Marília Braga, Researcher, Fotovoltaica-UFSC

Marília Braga has been a researcher at the Fotovoltaica-UFSC research group for 10 years, where she works with Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rüther with data analysis and design of photovoltaic and energy storage systems for grid-connected and off-grid applications. Marília has experience in all stages of the development of photovoltaic systems, from sizing, simulation and design, to performance analysis, having participated in commissioning and fault detection activities of more than 300 MWp of utility-scale PV plants. Additionally, in the Fotovoltaica-UFSC group, Marília helps coordinate the team and participates in research projects in the areas of battery energy storage, electric vehicles, and the production of green hydrogen. Marília is also the former treasurer and current vice-president of ABENS, the Brazilian Solar Energy Society.


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