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Further Content
Webinar Collection
Promising Brazilian Photovoltaic Market – Opportunities and Challenges

June 1st, 2023

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The solar photovoltaic market in Brazil has experienced remarkable growth in the last ten years. This year alone Brazilian developers have already installed at least 2.1 GW of distributed-generation solar and more than 1.3 GW of centralized PV.

Webinar Collection
Solar Energy in Africa – The New Role of the Continent


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The solar market in Africa is full of promise: from solar lamps and rooftop installations to utility scale PV including storage, numerous PV applications are increasingly being deployed on the African continent.

Press Release
EM-Power AWARD 2023: Winners And Their Outstanding Innovations Took Center Stage

June 13, 2023

Debut at the International Congress Center München (ICM): This evening, the EM-Power AWARD was presented for the first time – in front of a large audience.

Webinar Collection
Shining Light on LATAM Solar Markets: Insights from Brazil and Mexico

July 13th, 2023

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During this webinar, our panellists will explore the factors that have contributed to Brazil and Mexico's success, including regulatory frameworks, investment opportunities, and technological advancements. Additionally, they will share their perspectives on the latest policy initiatives, market dynamics, emerging technologies, and potential growth areas.

Renewable Energy Jobs in Brazil – Career Opportunities and Challenges

June 29, 2023

The renewable energy transition is creating a green job boom. It is expected to generate more than 10 million new jobs globally by 2030.

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